Co-creation of Intercultural Games


The project involves the co-creation of five intercultural board games designed for children aged 4 to 8, intended for use in both educational and family contexts. This process includes three workshops focusing on different groups:

  • Teachers’ Workshop: Covers the use of intercultural games in schools, their educational value, and skill development.
  • Parents’ Workshop: Explores children’s playing habits, shared playing habits between children and parents, and existing ways children communicate and socialize.
  • Children’s Workshop: Delves into the concept, process, and rules of the game, artwork and design, and how children interact when playing games.

Digitization of Gaming and Upload on Project Website


The activity focuses on digitizing the gaming pack and uploading it to our project website. This step is crucial for achieving our project’s objectives, as it ensures that the final version of WP3’s core result is accessible to students, parents, and teachers. The digital gaming pack will provide an engaging, interactive experience and enhance the usability and reach of our educational tools.

Pedagogical Handbook on Intercultural Gaming Pack


The activity centers on creating a comprehensive pedagogical handbook that outlines how the gaming pack can enhance children’s skills. This handbook will not only provide valuable educational insights but also ensure that the lessons learned from the KidLe project can be shared with a broader audience. It will offer guidance on effectively using the games and integrating them into the curriculum, making the benefits of intercultural gaming accessible to educators everywhere.

Policy Recommendations for
Intercultural Play in Early Childhood Education


The activity identifies key policy issues and challenges related to intercultural play in early childhood education, including language barriers, cultural differences, and lack of resources. This activity develops concrete policy recommendations to guide policymakers and educators in promoting intercultural play. The goal is to enhance social inclusion, promote diversity, and reduce inequalities in early childhood education.

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