On the 21st -22nd November 2024, the University of Limassol hosted the 2nd Transnational
Partner Meeting of the KidLe project (Developing an intercultural game as a pedagogic tool
for the inclusion of pupils with migrant background in new learning environments) which is
co-funded by the European Union through the ERASMUS+ programme.
Representatives from the University Institute of Lisbon in Portugal, University of Limassol,
Agios Spyridonas Kindergarten in Cyprus, InterAktion organisation in Austria, SIRIUS
Network in Belgium and the vocational organisation EuroSpeak Limited in Ireland
participated in the meeting in a hybrid format.
This meeting, which marks one year since the project inception, provided a significant
opportunity for the partnership to share insights, progress, and findings related to the
development of national board games as inclusive educational tools.
During the meeting, the partnership presented the outcomes of their respective focus groups
and workshops that had been conducted with children, teachers, and parents. These
discussions focused on how the development of the board games could support the
integration and inclusion of migrant pupils into new educational environments.
Some of the partners also shared their findings and feedback received after the playing
event implementations on the design and content of the educational board games.
As part of the meeting, the team also visited Agios Spyridonas Kindergarten, where they
were warmly welcomed by both the children and teachers.
The meeting concluded with a thorough review of the project timeline and the next steps
moving forward. Partners agreed on key milestones for the coming months, including
finalising the board game designs based on valuable feedback from parents, teachers, and
children; digitalising the board games to enhance accessibility; piloting the games in schools
and other educational settings to test their effectiveness in promoting inclusion and
intercultural understanding and evaluating the games; impact on children learning and
To learn more about the project activities and actions, visit the KidLe website and social